Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend Recap

I know Wednesday wasn't the weekend, but I got a cute picture of AC playing at the library.  We usually go every Wed. and she loves it.  I can't wait until it's warm enough to walk there.

She loves playing with all the puzzles.

Thursday isn't the weekend either, but we went ice skating with some folks from the church and had a great time.  I haven't been ice skating in at least 17 years, so I was very a bit nervous about trying it out again.  However, to my surprise I did a good job, and never fell!  I raced Craig and he beat me, darn it!  I don't like to lose.

Friday night Craig and Abby went to a Middle School play here in town.  They did High School Musical.  A girl from church was in it, so they wanted to go see her.  They said it was great and they had a good time.  Kyndal, Anna Claire, and myself stayed home because it was gonna last too late for them.

They were watching Mickey Mouse on Daddy's laptop!

Saturday a sweet friend came and watched the girls here at home for about 3 1/2 hours while Craig and I went to a fund raiser for a ministry that some sweet folks in our church have.  We had a really good time there, and actually got some great information on different things.  We went to lunch and then ran a couple of errands.  It was so nice to spend a few hours with him alone.  That very sweet friend that kept the girls also brought us some yummy fresh Wild Alaskan Salmon that I cooked last night, and it was delicious.  Once we got home, I headed back out to grocery shop and then we went to some good friends house for pizza and play time.  The men and Abby went to a Hockey game with the church, while the rest of us played for a couple of hours.  It was another event that was going to last to late for the other two girls.  They had a great time again!

Sunday we had a wonderful service at church with an awesome, inspiring, and challenging message.  After church we just hung out and did not much of anything.

We are taking Kyndal to the doctor tomorrow for some concerns we have so remember her in prayer please!

We have a busy week this week, and I plan to enjoy every minute. 

I did a poor job of taking pictures this weekend!  I will have to work on that:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi sweet mommy I am just here catching up on all your happenings:)I have been MIA, I have missed the sweet pictures of your family:) my blog address got changed so to get updates you will have to rejoin Google friend connect. Praying for Kendal!!!! Keep us updated!