Monday, December 2, 2013

Holiday Parade

Our town puts on a holiday parade after Thanksgiving, and our church put a float in it this year depicting the REAL reason why we celebrate Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus Christ.  Those who put it together did an awesome job and so many participated, it was Awesome!  And I just want to note here that the Lord is really working and moving at our church and it's such a joy to see and be a part of!

Craig and the big girls participated, so Anna Claire and I walked down to watch it with a friend.  We sat in the sun to try and get some heat so it made a glare in my pictures.  It was freeeeeeeezing.  When it was over Anna Claire wanted me to carry her heavy behind back home.  I burned some more calories on that trip.  Wore me out.  It took about 20 minutes after getting home to thaw out, seriously!

 I love the bands!

There were several different bands!

Had to sport my Bama gear for the big game!

Chevy, Abby, and Kyndal were angels

Our church's float

This was another church float and it's hard to see, but it was the Advent candles with a big wreath around it.  It was really pretty!  

After the parade we had a few friends over to watch the Iron Bowl.  Wow, what a game.  Roll Tide.

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