Monday, August 18, 2014

Old Home Day's 5K

Saturday was my last 5K for the year.  I ran it last year for the 1st time, and that post is here .
The weather was perfect and it was a beautiful day too.  It seemed like there were more people in it this year.  I finished at 29:33.  My best time yet, and I was happy.  This race is very hilly (not sure that's a word, but I'm using it anyways).  The Lord helped me for sure!

Love my supporters:)

My #1 fan:)

He ran up to me at the end and said go hard this last minute.  I didn't even have enough breath to say I'm going as hard as I can.  The whole last 5-7 min is up hill.  I was pleased, but now every time I race I want to beat my last time, so I better train hard over the winter!!!


Unknown said...

You're awesome congratulations on completing another race!!!!

julie Loftin said...

Great job, Allison! One day I'll run a 5k. I only wish you lived close enough to do it with me :).