Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A nice day

Yesterday Craig and I went to the Senior Saints Christmas lunch while a good friend kept the girls for us.  We had a really good time with all our senior friends.  The girls had gymnastics that afternoon, but it started snowing about 12.  It was suppose to snow until this morning.  We tried to make it to gymnastics and got to that side of town and couldn't make it up some streets.  We saw several wrecks and once we got to town, I was wishing we would have stayed home.  I was SO nervous.  I slipped on the roads so many times.  What is normally a 15 minute drive one way turned into an hour and a half drive there and back.  I was so thankful once we arrived back at the church to get Craig.  He had meetings so we just waited, I wasn't driving anymore:)  Once he was done, we went to dinner and then home. 

The church, inside and out, is decorated so nicely.

The snow is so pretty and makes it look so bright outside at night, even though you can't tell that in this picture.

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