I just don't get my camera out near enough anymore. It's so easy to take pics with my phone and they turn out good too. So no pics for this post!!
Last Friday I got the day off (thanks hubby) and went shopping with a friend. It was a fun day. That night, Craig and I went to a Pastor/wives Christmas Party which is always a good time. Hard to believe this was our 3rd one here. Time goes by so fast!
Saturday, we helped decorate the church (which looks SO good) all day just about. That night we were suppose to have caroling, but it was raining, so we just fellow shipped at a friend's house. Only I went because the friends have a dog and my kids aren't dog friendly and the championship game was on too:) Oh and AL won. Roll Tide!!!
Sunday, after church and choir, the girls had a Christmas Party. While they were there, Craig and I ran an errand and just rode around:)
We only have 9 more school days before Christmas break. Yahoo
Our Wednesday night kids class is having a Christmas Party next week, so that will be fun.
We are going to some friend's house for dinner tomorrow night, so that will be fun too.
Friday night we are having friends over for dinner:)
Saturday, the girls have a dance show at 4 and then we have another caroling and fellowship that night!
Monday is mine and Craig's 13th Anniversary. Each year gets better and better:)
Craig's dad is very sick right now. He is in the hospital and it's serious, so please be praying for healing and for all of the family during this time.
It's way cold here and my skin is so dry (just thought I would throw that in there)!!!
Oh, and I will NOT be doing online shopping next year (just thought I would throw that in there too)!!!