Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Long drive

So Saturday I rode with mom to Folkston, GA which is 4 hours from here.  We left at 7:30, and got there in time to get some lunch and we were still about 20 minutes early, so we did good.  We were there for about 45 minutes to an hour and then made our way back to Eufaula.  We arrived back around 6:30.  Makes for a really long day, but we had a good time.  I get a little nervous about long road trips and mom drives a very small Mazda Miata (which makes me nervous too).  On the way back a UPS 18 wheeler tried delivering us to Jesus, but Jesus said not your time just yet.  He ran us right off the road, b/c he didn't see us.  I had been praying for the Lord's protection on that trip and the first thing mom and I said was thank you Jesus.  Our hearts were beating fast, but we were thankful for sure. 

Craig kept the 3 girlie's all day while we were gone and I called him one time and they were playing dress up....
Abby and that face (cracks me up)!!

Sunday was a great day as well..

As I've mentioned before taking a pic of all 3 of them is not an easy task.  A & K are usually trying to keep AC still, while AC is screaming and trying to jerk away from them, so I just take what I can get, it's nothing to sweat over.  One day they will all stand still and smile ( I hope)!!!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

These girlies are too cute for words. Just precious. They are getting so big. I know I don't interact with them much but I do love them and y'all too.