Sunday, January 15, 2012

A couple of requests

I have a couple of prayer requests that I would ask you to remember to pray for please.  I love to follow blogs and I do pray for these people (I try to everyday, but I would be lying if I said I never forget a day or two).

Tripp Roth is a precious baby boy who was born with the worst form of EB (a skin disease).  I have been following his story for several months now, and it is extremely heartbreaking to the core.  His precious, yet very tired, 2 year and 8 month old body was healed completely on Saturday when Jesus welcomed him into His arms.  Please remember his mother, Courtney, and grandmother who took care of him every moment of everyday.  He passed while in his mothers arms (just how she wanted it).  I will post the link to her blog where you can go and read and see pics of Tripp, but keep in mind the pictures are graphic.

There is another blog I have followed for several months now, Holly is a young woman who found out exactly a year ago that her unborn baby would not live outside the womb.  She was about 20 weeks pregnant and they found out there baby boy had anencephaly.  He was born at full-term and only lived for hours.  She is expecting again and with much excitement, you can imagine the bundle of nerves she must have as well.  Please remember her and pray for a healthy pregnancy, healthy delivery, and healthy baby, and that she and her husband will have peace that only Jesus can give during this pregnancy.  You can also pray that the Lord would continue to heal their broken hearts over the loss of precious Thomas.

Thank you for praying for these precious families, I know they are grateful.

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