Sunday, April 22, 2012

She is...

a Daddy's girl to the core.  All of our girls love their dad, with good reason, he is an Awesome Daddy.  However, Abby is a huge Daddy's girl.  She wants to go everywhere with him.  She loves to have him sit down and read the Bible to her.  She loves to ask him lots of questions, and he loves to answer them.  She loves to help him make breakfast in the mornings.  She loves to hear him preach (her words).  She just loves her Daddy to pieces and he loves her to pieces as well.

She wanted to go to the wedding he was doing last night sooooo bad.  She must have ask, oh at least 4,932 times.  We agreed that she could go, and she was so happy.


Unknown said...

That is so very sweet. I just love to witness my husband and daughter interact. What a wonderful blessing that she got to go with daddy I know she will remember that forever :)

julie Loftin said...

Sweet! A father/daughter relationship is something very special! :)